What Do You Care About? Dahlia the Care Emoji Workshop
A Craftivism and Community Building Workshop to understand your team’s priorities and build their Self-Confidence and Resilience
In the session, participants will make an emoji and use action learning inspired techniques to explore “What do you Care About?” The workshop can be framed to particularities of your business context and the business concerns of the team. In this scenario, a report based on information relevant to your business would also be part of the outputs, noting the confidence and privacy of participants will always be maintained.
In an ADKAR model of change management, the workshop can be a valuable part of the second (Desire) and third (Knowledge) stages, and outcomes can directly support the fourth stage (Ability) – as the approach of the workshop creates a safe space for fears and needs to be articulated.
The workshop design is also informed by the CHIME model of wellbeing: a framework for noting key components of mental health and wellbeing, and understanding where any deficiencies may be contributing to an individual’s personal challenges. CHIME is an acronym for connectedness, hope, identity, meaning and empowerment. Change can have an impact on any of these areas, and participants in our workshops delivered for the NHS often have come out of the workplace because of stress.
This workshop draws on the familiarity of the Care Emoji, the craftfulness of Slow Stitch, and
The symbolism of Dahlia’s flower’s and intentional reuse of available materials.
The traditional meanings of Dahlia’s include:
- Staying graceful under pressure, especially in challenging situations,
- Drawing upon inner strength to succeed,
- Making a major life change in a positive way,
- Standing out from the crowd and following your own unique path,
- Staying kind despite being tested by life events,
- Finding a balance between adventure and relaxation,
- Commitment to another person or an ideal.