Pilot Training
Art & Social Change Pilot Training
In Italy
In small steps. Exactly in step one. Thus begins the first Italian workshop of the European project “Art & Social Change: Recoverism International” dedicated to the magic of the shadow and the animation.
Intended for social health professionals – 16 among psychiatrists, nurses, educators, psychologists and pedagogues-, it was the first chapter of a story composed of four episodes (Shadow, Destruction, Possibilities and transformation), which took place, for the first time, at the “Eco Museo del Mare di Palermo” Mare Memoria Viva (from the 24th to 26th of January 2018). The chapter (workshop) was “animated” by the artist Nico Bonomolo, who, starting from the idea of his last and extraordinary film “Confino”.
Italian Plan for the Training Pilot – Download HERE >>
What is our limit idea? What are the patterns we tend to repeat? Can we overcome them? From 14 to 16 February 2018, at the GAM in Palermo, Loredana Longo conducted the workshop for the European project Art & and Social Change, as part of the first Round of the Italian training plan. As usual, the artist showed how every transformation comes from destruction. That we are all tied to the past, to material things, we already know. But how can we be free from some dysfunctional pieces of our history? Armed with wallpaper, a pencil and a cutter, and with the help of fire, he invited the group to trace and engrave the personal limit of each person as an inlay on paper and to abandon everything that holds us back and brakes. An exercise of creativity and lightness. (written by Elisa Fulco).
In Lithuania
What am I doing when I feel stressed or suffer from fatigue? How do I relax usually? Which successful stories of interaction with patients do I have? What is my motivation to work with recoverists (people in recovery from substance misuse and dual diagnosis)? How can art help in reducing stress?
We were looking for individual answers to these questions and we´ve shared our professional experience in the first round of the training.
In January and February 2018 the training was provided for 11 health workers at Vilniaus kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences and for 8 social workers at the salad bar Mano guru.
At Vilniaus kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences learners have participated in 4 training sessions: dancing, painting on water, make-up and M. Chekhov acting method. 4 artists (or lecturers) have shared their experience and provided the training: Rima Česevičienė, Eglė Juzėnė, Sigita Grigaliūnienė and Artūras Dubaka.
At salad bar Mano guru learners have participated in 4 training sessions: dancing, photography and macrame handicraft. 3 artists have shared their experience and provided the training: Aida Maskvytytė, Orinta Labutytė and Neringa Bateikienė.
About the dance, by Aida Maskvytytė (Lithuanian) (English)
About the photography, by Orinta Labutytė (English)
About the macrame handicraft, by Neringa Bateikienė (Lithuanian) (English)
In England
Round 1
Day 1 Erasmus+ Art & Social Change: Recoverism International arts based training programme in Brighton. Led by applied theater practitioner Kate Lodge, an aim is to improve health/well being & work practices for addiction recovery workers.
Day 2 Art & Social Change: Recoverism International training generated some interesting questions & concerns including: capacity, inspiring change & challenging organisational systems & rigid structures. The day’s favourite feedback “it’s released me from the robot”.
Day 3 kicked off with Pete Davies presenting on Cascade Creative Recovery. After, exercises developed/delivered by trainees. Followed by individually agreed micro actions for implementation & work change.
Thank you all including: lead artist trainer Kate Lodge & Pavilions Alcohol and Drug Service for hosting/making us feel so welcome. Read some of the lead artists’ reflections in her blog about this training, ‘The Art and Power of Ambivalence’
Round 2
18-20 June 2018, Hove, UK
One day I had a call from my group leader at CGI, asking me if I would like to participate in a three-day workshop that would introduce me to creative ways to help people in recovery. As a creative person who has used creativity as a way of helping me in my recovery, and having empathy for others in recovery, I said a big yes!
I went along on the day feeling excited but a little apprehensive, because I was alone and knew no one. Then I was greeted by Kate and Christy, two of the most hospitable people I have had the privilege to meet. Then we were introduced to an art long since forgotten, the art of game play (not the game play with computers!), good old-fashioned communication game play. We were actually talking and really getting to know each other in a way that we left behind in childhood, resurrected for the good of all us u. I call Kate and Christy the queens of icebreakers. As I got into enjoying game play, I felt truly settled and part of a bigger thing, togetherness and unity. We were then able to watch a video Wonderland about how art was helping and teaching others, a very interesting and inspiring recording. We were then introduced to creative exercises using objects, movement, creative writing, pictures, storytelling as a child through play, resurrecting what we were before substances took hold. Then it was up to us to create our own presentations, using our new skills and learning from each other. Of course, it was all very intensive but in a good way. We were making long lasting friendships, learning about opportunities and things we can do to keep the momentum going. Wonderful new opportunities were made available to me. I would recommend this course to everyone, and anyone.
It was a fabulous opportunity to showcase our skills in a safe space where everyone and anyone is accepted. Afterwards I felt refreshed and renewed, but a little flat, as I enjoyed every part so so much. Never before have I felt such a part of something quite wonderful. The support and encouragement of Kate and Christy is second to none. I was very reassured by their support. It was truly one of the best experiences of my life.
By Stacey Griffiths.