Art-Coustics: Using textiles to make a community cafe warm & welcoming

Over a series of events through winter 24-25, Significant Seams and Turning Tides are inviting you to get involved in a range of creative activities and join us for a free hot lunch every Monday and a number of Tuesdays.
Our first few sessions will involve mood board making and preparing materials for the emerging plan. We want your input on ambiance to help make the Tea Rooms a space that is more comfortable for everyone – by improving the acoustics and understanding what makes the space welcoming and comfortable for everyone. We plan to make a textile tree of all seasons, needle felted birds, and a quilted patchwork mural for over an open doorway. There are a range of ideas, but our shared lunches and making sessions will shape the plan. Over the coming months we expect to do eco and sun printing, sewing and drawing- and general finding and sharing creative inspirations.
We hope you will join us in this social making, a bit of practical craftivism about inclusion, and metaphorical and literal breaking of bread together!
As our plans develop we aim to update this event page with plans and details about the dominant activity at each session. These sessions are all free but donations are welcome. They would be used to ‘pay it forward’ and offer additional activities in the future.
Space is limited so booking online is recommended even though the event is free.